Thursday, October 29, 2009

William Carlos Williams and Pale Fire

While reading William's "The Widow's Lament in Springtime" for my American Lit class, I came across three rather interesting discoveries that may or may not have to do with Nabokov's Pale Fire. The first is of course the widow who has lost her husband of thirty-five years recently. The second is a mention of "cold fire" in the fifth line of the play, and the third is the mention of suicide by drowning at the end of the poem which the reader never sees take place.

The first may not be as much of a connection as a coincedence, however, the second and third gave me a slight thrill as I read them. Why would Nabokov not take seemingly obscure references from an almost unknown source in order to create his work? When he says "Help me
Will" might it not also refer to the man with two Will names? I may of course be reaching here but the thought was too interesting to not blog about. Here is a link to the poem should anyone want to read it.

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